The BSA program has been a path to exceptional leadership for over one hundred years. Famous examples are easy to find, like Neil Armstrong who was in Eagle Scout class of 1947 (see his World Scout Patch below).
The Scout Oath says:
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Pack 893 leadership strives to impart these ideas to our scouts in fun ways that are appropriate for elementary-aged kids. Academic research has shown that the Scout program improves cheerfulness, helpfulness, obedience, kindness, and trustworthiness in youth. That is our goal in Pack 893.
Pack 893 Leaders
Committee Chair
Our leadership team functions as a committee and meets throughout the year to plan and support pack activities. The typical committee chair, cubmaster, treasurer, etc. are joined by more specific roles like STEM Counselor, Camping Chair, Quartermaster, Pinewood Derby coordinator, etc., as well as the Den Leaders for each of the grade-level dens:
- Lions (Kindergarten)
- Tigers (1st Grade)
- Wolfs (2nd Grade)
- Bears (3rd Grade)
- Webelos 1 (4th Grade)
- Webelos 2 (5th Grade)
Leadership Training & Certification
In Pack 893 we firmly believe in the motto “Every Scout deserves a trained leader. “
All adult leaders complete a training and certification process every 2 years that is focused primarily on safety, especially Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse. This is the #1 priority at all pack and den activities, and includes strategies like two-deep leadership. There will always be at least two trained adult leaders at all activities.
Some Scout leaders also complete more specialized training. A good example is BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation), when leaders learn campout logistics and best practices that have been passed down for decades.
We like to brag that some Pack 893 leaders have even attended the 1-week long Wood Badge training program at Philmont Scout Ranch. Wood Badge is considered the “pinnacle” of BSA adult leadership training, and attending has become somewhat of a tradition for Pack 893.